Tips Belajar Ngeblog di Localhost

8 Januari, 2009 at 5:56 pm 14 komentar

Bagi sebagian orang, belajar mengoperasikan blog adalah sesuatu yang rumit. Apalagi dilakukan secara otodidak. Belum lagi soal biaya akses koneksi internet. Tentunya menjadi salah satu hambatan dalam belajar mengoperasikan blog secara optimal.

Nah, kali ini saya akan memberikan tips belajar ngeblog secara offline, artinya tanpa koneksi internet. Sebebas mungkin Anda bisa mempelajari cara kerja blog; baik melakukan posting, setting komentar, mengganti header, dan lain sebagainya. Cara ini berguna bagi Anda yang ingin belajar blog tanpa sambungan internet, setelah memahaminya baru mencoba langsung secara online.

Tips kali ini saya cenderung menjelaskan dulu tentang cara instalasi engine blog wordpress di localhost. Karena, ini adalah langkah pertama agar proses belajar secara offline berjalan lancar.

Dalam tips kali ini, engine blog yang kita gunakan adalah wordpress. Silakan Anda download source files wordpress secara gratis di sini. Selain itu, anda juga membutuhkan software XAMPP. Kalau belum punya juga, silakan download di sini.

Sebenarnya, saya sudah menyiapkan tutorial instal wordpress di localhost (belajar ngeblog secara offline) dalam bentuk visual dengan format (.exe). Saya sengaja membuatnya untuk memudahkan Anda melihat langsung bagaimana proses instalasi XAMPP dan wordpress di localhost. Keuntungannya, Anda bisa belajar lebih santai tanpa harus tersambung ke internet. Tutorial yang saya maksud sengaja saya pecah menjadi tiga bagian. Yakni;

1. Instalasi localhost 1,2 & 3 > Size 17.68 MB. Format RAR Download

2. Instalasi localhost 4 & 5 > Size 2.95 MB Format RAR Download

3. Instalasi localhost 6 & 7 > Size 1.73 MB Format RAR Download

(Kenapa tutor ini upload di ziddu? (baca di posting ini)

Saya sarankan Anda download ketiga bagian tersebut dan segera mulai belajar ngeblog secara offline di komputer tanpa sambungan internet. Jangan lupa, Anda juga harus memiliki source file wordpress dan XAMPP. Tanpa keduanya, tutor yang saya sajikan hanya akan menjadi bahan tontonan belaka.

Jika ada permasalahan ketika menerapkan tutorial yang saya buat, silakan konfirmasi di postingan ini. Semoga saya bisa membantu segera mungkin. Terimakasih. Selamat belajar.


Dalam tutorial tersebut saya masih menggunakan XAMPP for Windows Version 1.6.4. Silakan Anda download XAMPP versi terbaru di sini

Tapi kalau mau seperti yang saya gunakan, silakan download XAMPP 1.6.4 di sini

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Entry filed under: Tutorial, wordpress. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , .

Emha Ainun Najib Pentas di Gereja Christus Triomfater Lomba Blog Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Terbaru 2009

14 Komentar Add your own

  • 1. baburinix!  |  9 Januari, 2009 pukul 3:21 pm

    nah hanyar aja mamosting inya

  • 2. Qori  |  9 Januari, 2009 pukul 5:43 pm

    sayangnya ulun kadada bisi komputer servernya ,kiyapa?

  • 3. De Daeng  |  9 Januari, 2009 pukul 11:47 pm

    Good Blog. Already Link to your blog. thx

  • 4. taufik79  |  12 Januari, 2009 pukul 1:15 pm

    Blog walking

  • 5. dariman  |  12 Januari, 2009 pukul 7:47 pm

    Keren, isa blajar dirumah tanpa harus kewarnet 😀

  • 6. arif usman  |  14 Januari, 2009 pukul 8:15 pm

    Artikelnya bagus kata-katanya juga menarik mudah di cerna, Trims ya infonya saya tunggu artikel selanjutnya, O..iya Teman saya lagi ikut lomba Speedy Blogging Competition 2008, dimana criteria penilaiannya blog adalah harus banyak pengunjung, posting dan komentar. Boleh saya minta komentar dari teman untuk artikel di blog saya? Kalau Boleh Kunjungi blog saya, hari ini saya sudah posting artikel tolong komentarnya ya dan kalau bisa komentarnya harus berkaitan dengan artikel yang di pilih teman. Ini alamatnya blog saya : terima kasih banyak.

  • 7. Paid to review $150 dalam 5 hari  |  6 Maret, 2009 pukul 1:57 am

    enaknya ngblog sambil nyari duit kang

  • 8. ekosulistio  |  12 Agustus, 2009 pukul 6:01 pm

    makasih infonya… sangat membantu.. tak tunggu kunjungan baliknya

  • 9. doa  |  30 Agustus, 2009 pukul 10:54 am

    Mas, saya ini mau install wordpress yang dah jadi, tapi setelah semua langkah2 dai mas hari saya lakuin yang keluar adalah pemberitahuan dibawah ini, ada yang salah kah mas?
    Sekalian saya lapirkan juga isi WP settingnya. Mohon pencerahan dan solusi

    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-settings.php on line 520

    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-settings.php on line 535

    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-settings.php on line 542

    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-settings.php on line 578

    Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-settings.php on line 18

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-settings.php:520) in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress1\wp-includes\pluggable.php on line 850

    ISI WP setting:
    * Used to setup and fix common variables and include
    * the WordPress procedural and class library.
    * You should not have to change this file and allows
    * for some configuration in wp-config.php.
    * @package WordPress

    if ( !defined('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT') )
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '32M');

    if ( function_exists('memory_get_usage') && ( (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') $v )
    if ( !in_array($k, $noUnset) && isset($GLOBALS[$k]) ) {
    $GLOBALS[$k] = NULL;


    unset( $wp_filter, $cache_lastcommentmodified, $cache_lastpostdate );

    * The $blog_id global, which you can change in the config allows you to create a simple
    * multiple blog installation using just one WordPress and changing $blog_id around.
    * @global int $blog_id
    * @since 2.0.0
    if ( ! isset($blog_id) )
    $blog_id = 1;

    // Fix for IIS, which doesn’t set REQUEST_URI
    if ( empty( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ) ) {

    // IIS Mod-Rewrite
    if (isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL’])) {
    // IIS Isapi_Rewrite
    else if (isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL’])) {
    // Use ORIG_PATH_INFO if there is no PATH_INFO
    if ( !isset($_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’]) && isset($_SERVER[‘ORIG_PATH_INFO’]) )

    // Some IIS + PHP configurations puts the script-name in the path-info (No need to append it twice)
    if ( isset($_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’]) ) {

    // Append the query string if it exists and isn’t null
    if (isset($_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’]) && !empty($_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’])) {

    // Fix for PHP as CGI hosts that set SCRIPT_FILENAME to something ending in php.cgi for all requests
    if ( isset($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’]) && ( strpos($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’], ‘php.cgi’) == strlen($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’]) – 7 ) )

    // Fix for Dreamhost and other PHP as CGI hosts
    if (strpos($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’], ‘php.cgi’) !== false)

    // Fix empty PHP_SELF
    if ( empty($PHP_SELF) )
    $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] = $PHP_SELF = preg_replace(“/(\?.*)?$/”,”,$_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]);

    if ( version_compare( ‘4.3’, phpversion(), ‘>’ ) ) {
    die( sprintf( /*WP_I18N_OLD_PHP*/’Your server is running PHP version %s but WordPress requires at least 4.3.’/*/WP_I18N_OLD_PHP*/, phpversion() ) );

    if ( !defined(‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’) )
    define( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, ABSPATH . ‘wp-content’ ); // no trailing slash, full paths only – WP_CONTENT_URL is defined further down

    if ( file_exists(ABSPATH . ‘.maintenance’) && !defined(‘WP_INSTALLING’) ) {
    include(ABSPATH . ‘.maintenance’);
    // If the $upgrading timestamp is older than 10 minutes, don’t die.
    if ( ( time() – $upgrading )


    Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.


    if ( !extension_loaded('mysql') && !file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db.php') )
    die( /*WP_I18N_OLD_MYSQL*/'Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.'/*/WP_I18N_OLD_MYSQL*/ );

    * PHP 4 standard microtime start capture.
    * @access private
    * @since 0.71
    * @global int $timestart Seconds and Microseconds added together from when function is called.
    * @return bool Always returns true.
    function timer_start() {
    global $timestart;
    $mtime = explode(' ', microtime() );
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $timestart = $mtime;
    return true;

    * Return and/or display the time from the page start to when function is called.
    * You can get the results and print them by doing:
    * $nTimePageTookToExecute = timer_stop();
    * echo $nTimePageTookToExecute;

    * Or instead, you can do:
    * timer_stop(1);

    * which will do what the above does. If you need the result, you can assign it to a variable, but
    * most cases, you only need to echo it.
    * @since 0.71
    * @global int $timestart Seconds and Microseconds added together from when timer_start() is called
    * @global int $timeend Seconds and Microseconds added together from when function is called
    * @param int $display Use ‘0’ or null to not echo anything and 1 to echo the total time
    * @param int $precision The amount of digits from the right of the decimal to display. Default is 3.
    * @return float The “second.microsecond” finished time calculation
    function timer_stop($display = 0, $precision = 3) { //if called like timer_stop(1), will echo $timetotal
    global $timestart, $timeend;
    $mtime = microtime();
    $mtime = explode(‘ ‘,$mtime);
    $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
    $timeend = $mtime;
    $timetotal = $timeend-$timestart;
    $r = ( function_exists(‘number_format_i18n’) ) ? number_format_i18n($timetotal, $precision) : number_format($timetotal, $precision);
    if ( $display )
    echo $r;
    return $r;

    // Add define(‘WP_DEBUG’,true); to wp-config.php to enable display of notices during development.
    if (defined(‘WP_DEBUG’) and WP_DEBUG == true) {
    } else {
    // Unicode Extension is in PHP 6.0 only or do version check when this changes.
    if ( function_exists(‘unicode_decode’) )
    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT );
    else if ( defined( ‘E_DEPRECATED’ ) ) // Introduced in PHP 5.3
    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE );
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE);

    // For an advanced caching plugin to use, static because you would only want one
    if ( defined(‘WP_CACHE’) )
    @include WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/advanced-cache.php’;

    * Stores the location of the WordPress directory of functions, classes, and core content.
    * @since 1.0.0
    define(‘WPINC’, ‘wp-includes’);

    if ( !defined(‘WP_LANG_DIR’) ) {
    * Stores the location of the language directory. First looks for language folder in WP_CONTENT_DIR
    * and uses that folder if it exists. Or it uses the “languages” folder in WPINC.
    * @since 2.1.0
    if ( file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/languages’) && @is_dir(WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/languages’) ) {
    define(‘WP_LANG_DIR’, WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/languages’); // no leading slash, no trailing slash, full path, not relative to ABSPATH
    if (!defined(‘LANGDIR’)) {
    // Old static relative path maintained for limited backwards compatibility – won’t work in some cases
    define(‘LANGDIR’, ‘wp-content/languages’);
    } else {
    define(‘WP_LANG_DIR’, ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/languages’); // no leading slash, no trailing slash, full path, not relative to ABSPATH
    if (!defined(‘LANGDIR’)) {
    // Old relative path maintained for backwards compatibility
    define(‘LANGDIR’, WPINC . ‘/languages’);

    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/compat.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/functions.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/classes.php’);


    if ( !empty($wpdb->error) )

    $prefix = $wpdb->set_prefix($table_prefix);

    if ( is_wp_error($prefix) )
    wp_die(/*WP_I18N_BAD_PREFIX*/’ERROR: $table_prefix in wp-config.php can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores.’/*/WP_I18N_BAD_PREFIX*/);

    if ( file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/object-cache.php’) )
    require_once (WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/object-cache.php’);
    require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/cache.php’);

    if ( function_exists(‘wp_cache_add_global_groups’) ) {
    wp_cache_add_global_groups(array (‘users’, ‘userlogins’, ‘usermeta’));
    wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups(array( ‘comment’, ‘counts’, ‘plugins’ ));

    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/plugin.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/default-filters.php’);
    include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/streams.php’);
    include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/gettext.php’);
    require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/l10n.php’);

    if ( !is_blog_installed() && (strpos($_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’], ‘install.php’) === false && !defined(‘WP_INSTALLING’)) ) {
    if ( defined(‘WP_SITEURL’) )
    $link = WP_SITEURL . ‘/wp-admin/install.php’;
    elseif (strpos($_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’], ‘wp-admin’) !== false)
    $link = preg_replace(‘|/wp-admin/?.*?$|’, ‘/’, $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]) . ‘wp-admin/install.php’;
    $link = preg_replace(‘|/[^/]+?$|’, ‘/’, $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]) . ‘wp-admin/install.php’;
    require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/kses.php’);
    require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/pluggable.php’);
    die(); // have to die here ~ Mark

    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/formatting.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/capabilities.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/query.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/theme.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/user.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/general-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/link-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/author-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/post.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/post-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/category.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/category-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/comment.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/comment-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/rewrite.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/feed.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/bookmark.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/bookmark-template.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/kses.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/cron.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/version.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/deprecated.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/script-loader.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/taxonomy.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/update.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/canonical.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/shortcodes.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/media.php’);
    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/http.php’);

    if ( !defined(‘WP_CONTENT_URL’) )
    define( ‘WP_CONTENT_URL’, get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/wp-content’); // full url – WP_CONTENT_DIR is defined further up

    * Allows for the plugins directory to be moved from the default location.
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) )
    define( ‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’, WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/plugins’ ); // full path, no trailing slash

    * Allows for the plugins directory to be moved from the default location.
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘WP_PLUGIN_URL’) )
    define( ‘WP_PLUGIN_URL’, WP_CONTENT_URL . ‘/plugins’ ); // full url, no trailing slash

    * Allows for the plugins directory to be moved from the default location.
    * @since 2.1.0
    if ( !defined(‘PLUGINDIR’) )
    define( ‘PLUGINDIR’, ‘wp-content/plugins’ ); // Relative to ABSPATH. For back compat.

    * Used to guarantee unique hash cookies
    * @since 1.5
    define(‘COOKIEHASH’, md5(get_option(‘siteurl’)));

    * Should be exactly the same as the default value of SECRET_KEY in wp-config-sample.php
    * @since 2.5.0
    $wp_default_secret_key = ‘put your unique phrase here’;

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.0.0
    if ( !defined(‘USER_COOKIE’) )
    define(‘USER_COOKIE’, ‘wordpressuser_’ . COOKIEHASH);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.0.0
    if ( !defined(‘PASS_COOKIE’) )
    define(‘PASS_COOKIE’, ‘wordpresspass_’ . COOKIEHASH);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.5.0
    if ( !defined(‘AUTH_COOKIE’) )
    define(‘AUTH_COOKIE’, ‘wordpress_’ . COOKIEHASH);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE’) )
    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE’, ‘wordpress_sec_’ . COOKIEHASH);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘LOGGED_IN_COOKIE’) )
    define(‘LOGGED_IN_COOKIE’, ‘wordpress_logged_in_’ . COOKIEHASH);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.3.0
    if ( !defined(‘TEST_COOKIE’) )
    define(‘TEST_COOKIE’, ‘wordpress_test_cookie’);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 1.2.0
    if ( !defined(‘COOKIEPATH’) )
    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, get_option(‘home’) . ‘/’ ) );

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 1.5.0
    if ( !defined(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’) )
    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/’ ) );

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH’) )
    define( ‘ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH’, SITECOOKIEPATH . ‘wp-admin’ );

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘PLUGINS_COOKIE_PATH’) )
    define( ‘PLUGINS_COOKIE_PATH’, preg_replace(‘|https?://[^/]+|i’, ”, WP_PLUGIN_URL) );

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.0.0
    if ( !defined(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’) )
    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, false);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’) )
    define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, false);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.6.0
    if ( !defined(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’) )
    define(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, false);

    * It is possible to define this in wp-config.php
    * @since 2.5.0
    if ( !defined( ‘AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL’ ) )
    define( ‘AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL’, 60 );

    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/vars.php’);

    // Check for hacks file if the option is enabled
    if (get_option(‘hack_file’)) {
    if (file_exists(ABSPATH . ‘my-hacks.php’))
    require(ABSPATH . ‘my-hacks.php’);

    if ( get_option(‘active_plugins’) && !defined(‘WP_INSTALLING’) ) {
    $current_plugins = get_option(‘active_plugins’);
    if ( is_array($current_plugins) ) {
    foreach ($current_plugins as $plugin) {
    if ( ” != $plugin && 0 == validate_file($plugin) && file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/’ . $plugin) )
    include_once(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/’ . $plugin);

    require (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/pluggable.php’);

    * In most cases the default internal encoding is latin1, which is of no use,
    * since we want to use the mb_ functions for utf-8 strings
    if (function_exists(‘mb_internal_encoding’)) {
    if (!@mb_internal_encoding(get_option(‘blog_charset’)))

    if ( defined(‘WP_CACHE’) && function_exists(‘wp_cache_postload’) )


    $default_constants = array( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’ => true );
    foreach ( $default_constants as $c => $v )
    @define( $c, $v ); // will fail if the constant is already defined
    unset($default_constants, $c, $v);

    // If already slashed, strip.
    if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
    $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET );
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST );
    $_COOKIE = stripslashes_deep($_COOKIE);

    // Escape with wpdb.
    $_GET = add_magic_quotes($_GET );
    $_POST = add_magic_quotes($_POST );
    $_COOKIE = add_magic_quotes($_COOKIE);
    $_SERVER = add_magic_quotes($_SERVER);


    * WordPress Query object
    * @global object $wp_the_query
    * @since 2.0.0
    $wp_the_query =& new WP_Query();

    * Holds the reference to @see $wp_the_query
    * Use this global for WordPress queries
    * @global object $wp_query
    * @since 1.5.0
    $wp_query =& $wp_the_query;

    * Holds the WordPress Rewrite object for creating pretty URLs
    * @global object $wp_rewrite
    * @since 1.5.0
    $wp_rewrite =& new WP_Rewrite();

    * WordPress Object
    * @global object $wp
    * @since 2.0.0
    $wp =& new WP();


    * Web Path to the current active template directory
    * @since 1.5.0
    define(‘TEMPLATEPATH’, get_template_directory());

    * Web Path to the current active template stylesheet directory
    * @since 2.1.0
    define(‘STYLESHEETPATH’, get_stylesheet_directory());

    // Load the default text localization domain.

    * The locale of the blog
    * @since 1.5.0
    $locale = get_locale();
    $locale_file = WP_LANG_DIR . “/$locale.php”;
    if ( is_readable($locale_file) )

    // Pull in locale data after loading text domain.
    require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/locale.php’);

    * WordPress Locale object for loading locale domain date and various strings.
    * @global object $wp_locale
    * @since 2.1.0
    $wp_locale =& new WP_Locale();

    // Load functions for active theme.
    if ( TEMPLATEPATH !== STYLESHEETPATH && file_exists(STYLESHEETPATH . ‘/functions.php’) )
    include(STYLESHEETPATH . ‘/functions.php’);
    if ( file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions.php’) )
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions.php’);

    * Runs just before PHP shuts down execution.
    * @access private
    * @since 1.2.0
    function shutdown_action_hook() {

    $wp->init(); // Sets up current user.

    // Everything is loaded and initialized.


  • 10. yulianhartadi  |  29 September, 2009 pukul 5:54 pm

    trims, semuanya lancar, yang saya pakai xampp1.7.2, memang terkadang tiap sesuatu yang baru butuh sedikit improvisasi, tetapi sebenarnya pada dasarnya langkah-langkahnya kurang lebih sama, pokoknya “teknologi diciptakan bukan untuk mempersulit tapi untuk mempermudah..!”

  • 11. eazyshare  |  3 Oktober, 2009 pukul 1:29 am

    keren tipsnya

  • 12. akucoratcoret  |  17 Januari, 2010 pukul 9:25 am

    info yang bermanfaat mas…

    oiya saya mau tanya mas,,maklum masih bloger pemula
    gimana cara ganti header yang standar, jadi kya header yang mas punya..
    header saya mau saya ganti…
    tapi g tau caranya…
    bisa kasih tau cara ganti header g??

    selain itu gimana caranya ngasih menu dibawah header mas…
    dibawah header mas kan ada menu home,download,penerbit,radio,saya…

    itu gimana cara ngasihnya,,,??

  • 13. adin  |  14 Agustus, 2010 pukul 10:01 am

    mau nanya, mas…
    klo saya udah berhasil install wordpress, dan saya terhubung ke intranet…kira2 web saya bisa dibuka dari komputer lain ga?
    soalnya kan klo web biasa, yang cuman html-html aja bisa diakses dari komputer lain.

    klo wordpress ini rada susah, soalnya kan ada tuh di setting-an tempat install wordpress (biasanya diisi : http://localhost)…nah masalahya kan http://localhost itu ga bisa diakses dari komputer lain.

    klo saya ganti pake http://ip-address, tetep aja ga bisa diakses dari komputer lain…ada solusi ga mas?

  • 14. MasJo  |  2 Oktober, 2011 pukul 10:36 pm

    blogwalking 😉


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